Quick Set Gear Tech means more precision

New tech materials, same Italian craft.
Quick Set Gear Tech means more precision and efficiency in the grind consistency, in one single action.

Ceado has blended its R&D skills with the industrial drawing by EMO design and new tech materials to create the Quick Set Gear Tech .

It is a new sturdier, even more efficient and precise system which upgrades the previous Quick Set Gear and it is equipping our on-demand grinders model E37S, E37SL, E37T and E37K.

Quick Set Gear Tech is also retrofittable on the previous version for an upgrade.

© Ceado srl Via Della Costituzione, 111 - 30038 Spinea (VE)
Capitale Sociale Euro (i.v.) 100.000 iv R.E.A. VE307358 C. F. - P. IVA - Reg. Imprese 03422830277 PEC: ceado@tecnopec.it
© Ceado srl
Via Della Costituzione, 111 - 30038 Spinea (VE)
Capitale Sociale Euro (i.v.) 100.000 iv R.E.A. VE307358
C. F. - P. IVA - Reg. Imprese 03422830277
PEC: ceado@tecnopec.it